Verse_Lyric: 1 1. The heavens are telling the glory of God and the works of His hands announceth the firmament. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night point eth to knowledge. There is no speech and no word where their voice is not heard. Into all the earth hath gone forth their line, and unto the end of the world their word; for the sun he hath set a tent in them. And He as a bridegroom going forth from his chamber, he rejoiceth as a hero to run a course. From the end of the heavens is his going forth, and his circuit unto the ends of them; and nothing is hidden from his heat. restoring the soul; making wise the simple. glad’ning the heart; enlight’ning the eyes. standing for ever; they are just altogether. and above much refined gold; and sweeter than honey and the dropping of honeycombs. Also Thy servant is admonished by them; in keeping them is great reward. Errors, who understandeth? from hidden things cleanse Thou me. Also from proud things hold back Thy servant, let them not rule in me; then I shall be perfect, and clean from great transgression. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be for good pleasure before Thee, O Lord, my Rock, and my Redeemer. The law of the Lord is perfect, the testimony of the Lord is firm, The commandments of the Lord are right, the precept of the Lord is pure, The fear of the Lord is clean, the judgments of the Lord are truth, Desirable above gold, Verse_Lyric: 2 2. Verse_Lyric: 3 3.